Monday 2 January 2012

My Deep Roots!

You may find it strange but this image comforts me! It makes me happy. What you're looking at are the roots of my breakfast today. They were at the base of the Boston lettuce which I used to make my scramble wrap. The roots are moist and tightly woven. There is even fresh earth blended in there. The leaves of my lettuce as you can see are bright green and crisp they way they should be.This sight reminds me that my food is alive and well, just what I like to be. It didn't come from a box, can or freezer (all of which are descent). Who knows how long that stuff sits there. My roots (Family, Heritage)keep me grounded and help me grow. My children need roots. Heck even my lunch needs roots! I guess my lettuce and I are not so different after all! :)

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh... this was sweet (and TOTALLY makes sense)! We are what we eat. I want to be alive and well too! Good stuff! :)
